Sage : Kapinjaya.
God: The God in charge of 'Age'.
USE :1. Ensure one's own safety. 2. Ensure safety of cows, home etc. 3. Sending wolves into the houses of enemies.
PROCEDURE:Red Rice (a rice variety) is to be cooked with milk. The preparation is to be sanctified by chanting the verse. Thereafter, the pudding is to be fed to enemies.
Asadam gaavaha sadanee
apaptad vasatim vayaha
Aasthaanu parvataaha
Asthu sthaamni vrikkau atisht`hipam.
vrikkau = wolves.
apaptad = ataptad (version difference).
Just as cows stay in their sheds, birds stay in their nests, the mountains are at their respective places. Cows etc. are safe in their dwellings provided by us. Let the enemies dwellings be filled with wolves.
NOTE for the #MARK (Asa#dam, vaya#ha, parva#taha, sthaamn#i )
Vedic mantras are sung with special musical stops of rhythm and tones of "top" and "low" called "Udaatta" and "Unudaatta" respectively. These are to be learnt from a competent experienced teacher
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